


.4    'Aelin' Dual Ch (T) Birdrise Aelin Fireheart (TSDX)


I will always thank Jane McDonald of Birdrise Kennels for the blessing that is Aelin.

She came to me when my heart needed her the most and although reserved with strangers with her family she Demands to be loved!

She is everything that any breeder could aim for from her upstanding sporting build to her docile yet sensative temperament, she's always active and on the go.

Her conformation has the hallmark occiput, grave yet gentle expression beautiful deep chest and strong muscular hind quarters that could keep her working throughout the whole day in the field.

She is a fine example of the breed and a credit to her Sire and Dam.

Aust Ch at only 7months we couldn't wait to see what else she was capable of... and then COVID hit... stopping her show career in its tracks for over a year.

2021 saw Aelin in the whelping box and what an Amazing! mother she proved herself to be! Attentive yet gentle I was pretty much just company for her as she took the whole thing in her stride.  Her litters have born some stunning pups that have gone not only all over Australia but also to Europe and Japan!

As both breeders and as Aelins family we could not be prouder or more grateful to her for the wonderous little ones her and the 2 Sires (Macbeth & Monty) have produced and the way they will help to keep this amazing rare breed going into the future.

Not purely a Mom, Aelin didn't waste any of her other time and while she continued her show career, she also joined Macbeth out in nature and took to the Tracking sport. Very different in technique Aelin still excelled and is currently a Tracking Champion and stretching out into Track & Search.

Best Ausbred in :-

In The Show Ring...

BestMinor Puppy in :-

What a way to start

Minor Puppy!

Best Baby Puppy in :-

Best Intermediate in :-

In the whelping box...

2021 started quietly with COVID still in effect.

However by March Aelin had her first litter of 2 Girls and 4 Boys!

Aelin has proven herself a wonderful attentive mother and we look forward to seeing what the future brings for them...

November 2021 saw the arrival of Aelin's second litter

3 Girls and 5 Boys!

Once again she was a wonderful attentive mother...

although once they were settled and sleeping she would insist on a quick game of ball...

April 2023 marked the arrival of Aelins 3rd litter

6 Girls and 3 Boys!

again Aelin proved herself the perfect mother assuring to their every need before meeting me at the front door... ball in mouth...

The Lord of the Rings Litter

The Court of Thorns & Roses Litter

Three Musketeers Litter

Aelin's Other Achievements.....

Track & Search...

taking Aelin to :-

Triple Champion (N)(T) Birdrise Aewlin Fireheart TDX


taking Aelin to :-

Dual Champion (T) Birdrise Aelin Fireheart






Show Achievements...

OMG ... I just love...

Dock Diving!!!

Aelin arrived at her first Royal due to COVID  ''The Sydney Royal' along with the rest of her family...

We had a really fun day and we were proud of how all our dogs did with Aelin placing...

          ''Intermediate Bitch of Breed'

                    in a line-up of quality dogs!

Aelin then spent the remaider of her day revelling in the adoration of many admirerers... the general public, as she sat around doing her meet and greet role along with her three daughters and Macbeth.

She is a wonderful ambasador for our rare breed and impressed everyone she met!

COVID  virtual shows :-

Field Spaniel Society of Canada

Sunday 12th April 2020

Judge - Linda St-Hilaire


Best Puppy

Best Smile

Battle of the Ages

Monday 13th April 2020

Judge - Mr Andrew Brace  (Uk)

Best Bitch

Since her daughters took to the ring in 2022 Aelin only comes out for a spin around the ring a few tomes a year, but NSW Spring Fari was to be one of those occasions.

She proved she still has what it takes, taking out...

2nd Open Bitch on 02/09     

Best of Breed on 03/09

                    (+ Crufts qualifier)