Sheila came to our family as a bit of a surprise...
My Son became attached to her when she was staying with us from and she just never left...
She is an adorable, sweet natured girl who loves her food, the outdoors and cuddles on the couch!
She's done her duty in the Show Ring gaining her 'Aust Ch' (Australian Champion)
but the only aspect of it she enjoyed was being with us... so she now just tags along for the ride.
Sheila discovered Lure Coursing just prior to her 1st birthday and has loved it ever since going manic at the sight of a football oval and the sound of a lawnmower engine combined (yes thats right, they can't mow a football oval with Sheila around without her flipping out)
In 2019 we introduced Sheila to Tracking although we were at the end of the season she gained her 'Track 1 & 2' just prior to the summer and went on to gain her Tracking Dog title just prior to her retiring to move back with my Son after the lockdowns of 2021.
Although she will be sorely missed, we wish her and her Niece the very best and we are sure we will see them often in the years to come.
BestJunior in :-
Best Junior in Open Show
Sunday 29th July 2018
Rarer Gundog Spaniel Club of Victoria
Championship Show
Judge - Mrs BKatherine Whitely(Vic)
Sheila's Other Achievements.....
Best Puppy in :-
Best Puppy in Group - Open Show
Saturday 12h May 2018
Cootamundra All Breeds Kennel Club
Championship Show
Judge - Mr S Hannigan (NSW)
Best Baby Puppy in :-
Best Junior in Show
Sunday 29th July 2018
Rarer Gundog Spaniel Club of Victoria
Championship Show
Judge - Mr E Boxhall (Vic)
Reserve Bitch Challenge :- Junior Bitch
I'm a true 'Aussie Sheila'...
and love my food (hence Pirahna),
hot sunny days at the beach &
my winter dog sports!
in the Show Ring...
On 28th September 'Pirahna' entered the ring for the last time.
The Melbourne Royal 2018 was to be her final show before she goes off to live with her 'Daddy' and our son, Corey
She couldn't have done us more proud!
Ch Meadowbriar Aussie Sheila strutted her stuff with the best of them and from an entry of 11 girls she proved herself under esteemed judge Jeff Horswell (Uk) and left the ring with Junior Bitch and Reserve Bitch Challenge!
We hope that she will come for an odd day out into the ring with us from time to time, but for now we wish her and her Dad happy adventures.....
Our little 'Pirahna' finally got to prove herself when she turned 1yr old and was finally allowed to join her Longbourn Kennel mates on the lure Course!
True to form and living upto all the promise she had yapped at us in her eagerness to 'Get Out There' over the months she had be waiting she burst out of our hands and shot round the course with a speed and agility many Greyhounds would be envious of!
and after her first 2 meets she came away with her 'Junior Courser' title!
Lure Coursing...
Sheila running her little heart out to :-
Ch. Meadowbriar Aussie Sheila CA
This year has seen Sheila become our 'Little Pocket Rocket' as she's run her heart out gaining her 'CA' (Coursing Ability) title on 23.06.2019
She is a regular winner of the 'Highest Scoring Field Spaniel' ribbon showing Macbeth that sometimes pure brawn isn't everything!
This is a sport she truely loves and we love watching her excel...
Our little 'Pirahna' finally got to prove herself when she turned 1yr old and was finally allowed to join her Longbourn Kennel mates on the lure Course!
True to form and living upto all the promise she had yapped at us in her eagerness to 'Get Out There' over the months she had be waiting she burst out of our hands and shot round the course with a speed and agility many Greyhounds would be envious of!
and after her first 2 meets she came away with her 'Junior Courser' title!
Sheila trying her paw at something new